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[3] | Shen GuoJun, Jiang XiaoYun, Huang Jie, Ceng XiaoDong, Mao LongHuo, Fu XiHua. Dynamic changes in drug-resistant duck hepatitis B virus DNA in single hepatocyte nucleus after hemihepatectomy using a liver regeneration model[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2017, 33(11): 2127-2131. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2017.11.015 |
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[9] | Zhu FuSheng, Qin YuJie, Cheng ZhenJiang, Jiang PeiRong, Zhang LingHui. The impact of HBV/HCV coinfection on HBV DNA levels and the severity of liver diseases in HBV-infected patients undergoing hemodialysis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2013, 29(2): 136-137+141. |
[10] | Liu Cheng, Mu YongPing, Yang ZongGuo, Chen XiaoRong. Clinical significance of monitoring hepatitis B virus core-related antigens [J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2012, 28(10): 793-796. |
[11] | Wang YuMing, Cheng Lin. Recent perspectives of Chinese medicine-based therapy for hepatitis B and C virus infection[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2012, 28(11): 872-876. |
[12] | Peng JianPing, Sun KeWei, Wu YuNan. Impact of early virological response to antiviral treatment on the outcomes of hepatitis B-associated liver failure [J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2012, 28(10): 752-755. |
[13] | Hu XiaoLi, Zhao HongWei, Wu XiaoYan, Niu JunQi. Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2012, 28(6): 413-416+421. |
[14] | Jin WenWen, Xin YongNing, Dong QuanJiang, Zhao ShouFeng, Yu XinJuan, Jiang Man, Xu Jing, Xuan ShiYing. The preliminary study on the relationship between hepatitis B virus BCP gene mutations and HBV-related primary hepatocellular carcinoma in Qingdao[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2012, 28(2): 130-134. |
[15] | Hui Wei, Xu Bin, Guo XinHui. Clinical study on glucose metabolic disorder in patients with diabetes and chronic hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2012, 28(7): 538-541. |
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[18] | Yuan JianGuo, Wang XinGuo, Cui Xia, Liu FengHua, Wang FengHua, Song JiKui, Zhao HongKui. The activation of rat hepatic stellate cells stimulated with hepatitis B virus in vitro[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2011, 27(2): 163-165. |
[19] | Shi YanMei, Lan YingHua, Dan Lei, Zhou Jin, Li YongGuo. The relationship between of hematopoietic stem cells and hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2010, 26(4): 377-380. |
[20] | Wang Xia, Chen ChangYun, Zhang JiaJun, Shi Jun, Zhu XinYu, Wang Yan, Wu JianRui. Detection and clinical characteristics analysis of occult hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2007, 23(4): 243-245. |