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[2] | Yang XinYing, Kang FuBiao, Ye LiHong, Dai ErHei, Sun DianXing. Level of high-mobility group box 1 in patients with chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis and its clinical significance[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2018, 34(9): 1901-1904. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2018.09.015 |
[3] | Zhou JiaLing, Wu XiaoNing, Sun YaMeng, Meng TongTong, Guan QiuShuang, Wu ShanShan, Wang BingQiong, Shi YiWen, Chen ShuYan, He ZhiYing, Ma Hong, Jia JiDong, Ou XiaoJuan, You Hong. Effect of ALT level on liver stiffness measurement in patients with hepatitis B cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2018, 34(8): 1674-1677. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2018.08.016 |
[4] | Zhang LiJie, Zhou YingXia, Xing HuiChun, Su Ye, Sun YuMei. An investigation of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in patients with hepatitis B cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2018, 34(4): 770-774. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2018.04.015 |
[5] | Yao MingJie, Wang LeiJie, Guan GuiWen, Xi JingYuan, Liu ShuHong, Wen XiaJie, Zou Jun, Chen XiangMei, Jia JiDong, Zhao JingMin, Lu FengMin. Value of serum Golgi protein 73 in assisting the diagnosis of moderate or severe liver injury in patients with chronic hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2018, 34(4): 755-759. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2018.04.012 |
[6] | Wang Yan, Huang YouYing, Ma Yan, Guo Feng, Wang XiaoBo, Wang XiaoZhong. Expression features of follicular helper T cells in peripheral blood in patients with chronic hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2018, 34(1): 58-62. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2018.01.012 |
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[8] | Han BenLi. Clinical efficacy of entecavir in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B with compensated cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2016, 32(8): 1525-1528. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2016.08.018 |
[9] | Wang He, Wang QianJun, Sun FengBo, Zhang XinMing, Qi YuQin. Effect of entecavir combined with Fuzheng Huayu capsules on inflammatory factors and fibrosis markers in patients with compensated chronic hepatitis B-related cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2016, 32(9): 1734-1738. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2016.09.020 |
[10] | Xiao ChunYang, Li QinKai, Yu JingXia, Liu Ting, Lu LunGen, Xu MingYi. Risk genes for the development of chronic hepatitis B cirrhosis assessed by prediction analysis of microarrays[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2016, 32(7): 1323-1329. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2016.07.022 |
[11] | Wang Fang, Quan ZuoHua, Yang XingKun, Kou JunFeng, Yun ShengHao, Cai GuoFang, Zhou XinRen. Influence of antiviral therapy with telbivudine on serum soluble complement receptor type 1 in patients with chronic hepatitis B or liver cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2016, 32(6): 1118-1120. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2016.06.019 |
[12] | Zhao Juan, Li Juan, Yu HongWei, Meng QingHua. Dietary intake of selenium and serum selenium in patients with chronic hepatitis B,liver cirrhosis and acute- on-chronic liver failure[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2015, 31(7): 1103-1106. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2015.07.025 |
[13] | Shi MeiJie, Zhang ChaoZhen, Chi XiaoLing, Xie YuBao, Xiao HuanMing. Analysis of clinical high-risk factors for hepatitis B cirrhosis confirmed by liver biopsy[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2014, 30(2): 149-152. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2014.02.013 |
[14] | Gao YuanZheng, Jia SuHua, Zhao LianFeng, Jiang Ying, Wang Yan. Clinical efficacy of entecavir combined with Xinganbao capsules in treatment of liver cirrhosis among patients with chronic hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2014, 30(4): 314-316. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2014.04.007 |
[15] | Gao BaoHua, Liu Bing, Zheng JianYun, Wu FangXiong, Wang Wen, Li Lei, Niu ChunYan. The study of the expression of COX-2 and CDKN2A in chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2011, 27(3): 273-276. |
[16] | Zhao WenLi, Wang BaoChun, Huang Fei. Therapeutic effects of 48-week telbivudine treatment in patients with cirrhosis caused by HBV[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2011, 27(8): 840-843. |
[17] | Gou YanZi, Yang SuYa, Zhang FangXin, Kang ShengChao, Liang ZhenBin, Chen JiaYu, Wang Yong, Wang Wei, Pan Lei, Liu Bo, Bai XueFan. The application of FibroScan in the diagnosis of patients with hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2011, 27(8): 813-817. |
[18] | Niu ChunYan, Gao BaoHua, Zheng JianYun, Wu FangXiong, Wang Wen, Luo JianMei, Zheng NaiQing. The correlations between HBV quantity in the liver tissue and the severity of liver tissue injury in chronic hepatitis B and hepatic cirrhosis[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2011, 27(3): 277-279. |
[20] | Liang XieEr, Zhang Qi, Chen YongPeng, Hou JinLin. The correlation of serum alanine aminotransferase level and liver stiffness measurement ( FibroScan) in patients with chronic hepatitis B flare[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatology, 2010, 26(5): 500-502+514. |