ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R
Volume 37 Issue 3
Mar.  2021
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Clinical effect of laparoscopic splenectomy and pericardial devascularization in portal hypertension patients with Child-Pugh A/B liver function

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2021.03.018
  • Received Date: 2020-09-06
  • Accepted Date: 2020-09-22
  • Published Date: 2021-03-20
  •   Objective  To investigate the clinical effect of laparoscopic splenectomy and pericardial devascularization (LSPD) in patients with portal hypertension and the long-term effect of LSPD.  Methods  A total of 40 portal hypertension patients with Child-Pugh A/B liver function who received LSPD in The First Hospital of Jilin University from August to December 2017 were enrolled as surgical group, and 44 portal hypertension patients with Child-Pugh A/B liver function who received conservative treatment during the same period of time was enrolled as internal medicine group. The patients were followed up to June 30, 2019, and liver function parameters, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and portal vein thrombosis were recorded for all patients at each time point. The t-test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between two groups; an analysis of variance was used for comparison between multiple groups, and the Bonferroni test was used for further comparison between two groups. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used for comparison of continuous data with skewed distribution; between multiple groups, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for further comparison between two groups. The chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups.  Results  At 6, 12, and 24 months after discharge, compared with the internal medicine group, the surgical group had a significantly higher level of cholinesterase (t=3.527, 3.849, and 5.555, all P < 0.05) and a significantly lower Child-Pugh score (t=2.498, 2.138, and 2.081, all P < 0.05). Compared with the internal medicine group at 12 and 24 months after discharge, the surgical group had a significantly higher level of albumin (t=3.120 and 2.587, both P < 0.05) and a significantly lower incidence rate of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (χ2=4.947 and 5.155, both P < 0.05). At 24 months after discharge, the surgical group had a significantly lower number of patients who had a significant increase in alpha-fetoprotein level than the internal medicine group (χ2=4.648, P=0.031). At 12 months after discharge, the surgical group had a significantly higher incidence rate of portal vein thrombosis than the internal medicine group (χ2=4.395, P=0.036). The surgical group had significant improvements in albumin (F=2.959, P=0.013), cholinesterase (F=11.022, P < 0.001), prothrombin time (H=94.100, P < 0.001), and Child-Pugh score (F=3.742, P=0.003) from admission to 12 and 24 months after surgery.  Conclusion  In portal hypertension patients with Child-Pugh A/B liver function, LSPD can improve liver function and reduce the incidence rate of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and the high incidence rate of portal vein thrombosis can be effectively reduced by oral aspirin and rivaroxaban.


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