A primary complication of chronic liver disease is liver fibrosis, yet the pathogenic mechanisms of this condition remain to be fully elucidated and may hold the key to development of effective treatment or preventive measures.Biological studies have revealed that fibrosis forms upon the aberrant deposition of extracellular matrix proteins, and molecular studies are beginning to uncover the complex signaling networks that regulate the fibrogenic process.Most recently, investigations have implicated roles for the class of small non-coding RNA molecules, microRNAs (miRNAs) , that can modulate a diverse array of physiological processes by disrupting or inhibiting gene expression at the post-translational level.In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of miRNAs in development and progression of liver fibrosis, with particular focus on the specific pathogeneses related to conditions of non-alcoholic fatty liver and viral hepatitis.In addition, the potential role of miRNAs as therapeutic targets for chronic liver diseases is discussed.
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