ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R
Volume 39 Issue 11
Nov.  2023
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The physiological and pathological role of amyloid protein in the liver

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.11.031
Research funding:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1504825);

Henan TCM Top-notch Talent Program (Yuwei TCM letter 2021-15)

More Information
  • Corresponding author: LIU Jiangkai, 13592553982@126.com (ORCID: 0000-0002-1529-5089)
  • Received Date: 2023-02-07
  • Accepted Date: 2023-03-08
  • Published Date: 2023-11-28
  • Amyloid protein (AP) is used to describe the fibrous aggregates that form when proteins are misfolded, and it is associated with a series of amyloidosis diseases. When AP is deposited in the liver, it will lead to liver amyloidosis, thereby inducing related pathological changes that affect the normal physiological function of the liver; however, this disease is rarely reported and often neglected in clinical practice. This article reviews the physiological and pathological effects and mechanisms of AP in the liver, so as to improve the understanding of AP-related diseases and provide a reference for related research and clinical treatment.


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