ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R
Volume 35 Issue 4
Apr.  2019
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Association between chronic hepatitis B and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2019.04.037
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  • Published Date: 2019-04-20
  • At present, hepatitis B virus ( HBV) infection is one of the leading causes of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. With the development of the society, the improvement in living standards, and the change in lifestyle, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD) has gradually replaced hepatitis B and becomes the most important chronic liver disease in China. Due to the large number of patients with chronic HBV infection, the number of patients with chronic HBV infection and NAFLD has been increasing year by year, which has become an important feature of liver disease spectrum in China. Therefore, the interaction between NAFLD and chronic hepatitis B ( CHB) has attracted more and more attention. This article reviews the interaction between CHB and NAFLD and the pathogenesis of CHB with NAFLD.


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