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ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
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Issue 10
Oct.  2018
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  • Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in China. The major risk factors are chronic infections of hepatitis B virus ( HBV) , hepatitis C virus ( HCV) , high exposure to aflatoxins. In addition, exposure to cyanotoxins and some preventable health behaviors are also recognized to contribute to liver cancer development. To relieve the disease burden, primary prevention of etiological interventions is an important strategy. Based on the liver cancer epidemiology in China and the effective evidences and results from the etiological interventions conduced in Chinese population domestically, the following strategies are recommended in the“Strategies of primary prevention of liver cancer: Expert Consensus ( 2018) ”to promote the effective prevention of liver cancer in general population. Immunization with HBV vaccines, including the immune programs to neonates, infants and children born to mothers with different status of HBV infection. Antiviral therapies to the patients with chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Avoiding or reducing the exposure to aflatoxins as well as the cyanotoxins.Changing harmful life style, including quitting smoking and limiting alcohol etc.


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