ISSN 1001-5256 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3497 (Online)
CN 22-1108/R

Micro-elimination of hepatitis C virus infection in the hemodialysis population

DOI: 10.12449/JCH240403
More Information
  • Corresponding author: ZUO Li, zuoli@bjmu.edu.cn (ORCID: 0000-0002-7340-5995)
  • Received Date: 2024-03-02
  • Accepted Date: 2024-03-20
  • Published Date: 2024-04-25
  • The hemodialysis population is increasing year by year in China. Due to the specific nature of hemodialysis treatment, the prevalence and incidence rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in hemodialysis patients are much higher than the general population. In order to achieve the WHO’s initiative to eliminate HCV by 2030 and realize the micro-elimination of HCV in the hemodialysis population, standard infection control and hand hygiene procedures should be implemented to cut off the route of iatrogenic infection, especially to prevent the outbreak of HCV infection in hemodialysis centers. Screening for HCV infection should be conducted for patients newly admitted to the hemodialysis center or transferred to another hemodialysis center, and regular screening should be conducted for patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis to identify new HCV infections in the early stage. It is also necessary to collaborate with specialists and provide direct-acting antiviral therapy for hemodialysis patients with HCV infection.


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