Mechanism, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in chronic liver disease
摘要: 我国慢性肝病(CLD)极为常见,其中一部分并发症和(或)伴发病严重,预后差。近年CLD与钙磷代谢及骨疾病关系的研究已成为国内外关注的热点。CLD可致肝性骨营养不良,而骨质疏松症(OP)又是最常见的肝性骨营养不良类型。因CLD原发病症状体征的存在,及OP缺乏典型临床表现,OP常被忽视。当伴发自发性骨折或低创伤性骨折时,严重影响了患者的生活质量,甚至危及生命。本文就各种CLD和OP的关系,CLD致OP的机制,以及CLD合并OP的防治对策加以综述,对及时有效地纠正CLD发展过程中OP的发生具有重要临床意义。Abstract: Chronic liver disease (CLD) is very common in China.Moreover, CLD is associated with poor prognosis due to subsequent development of severe complications and diseases that lower the quality of life and increase the risk of death.Osteoporosis (OP) is one of the most frequently diagnosed CLD-related hepatic osteodystrophies;and when combined with spontaneous fracture or low trauma fracture, OP can be particularly life-threatening.Unfortunately, CLD-related OP is often overlooked, due to the presence of CLD primary disease signs and symptoms, and lack of typical OP clinical manifestations.In recent years, extensive global research efforts have been dedicated to uncovering the relationship between calcium and phosphorus metabolism and CLD-related bone disease.This review focuses on the current knowledge about the relationship between CLD and OP, systematically discussing the underlying mechanism and strategies to prevent and treat CLD-related OP.Increasing our comprehensive understanding of this molecular and clinical features of this pathogenic process will facilitate effective and timely diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.
Key words:
- chronic liver disease /
- osteoporosis
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