A retrospective study on prognostic factors of HBV-related acute-on-chronic liver failure with Qi-deficiency and blood-stasis jaundice
Abstract:Objective To determine the factors affecting prognosis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) -related acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) with Qi-deficiency and blood-stasis jaundice.Methods Seventy-four patients diagnosed with HBV-related ACLF and having Qi-deficiency and blood-stasis jaundice were identified for retrospective analysis and divided into two groups according to outcome: improvement (n = 25) or death (n = 49) .Patient age, days between attack and treatment, clinical symptoms and signs score, and related biochemical indexes (prothrombin activity, PTA;total cholesterol, TCH;total bilirubin, TBil) were assessed for correlation with prognosis by using logistic regression.Results There was no correlation between patients' age and prognosis (improvement group vs.death group, P > 0.05) .The period of days between attack and treatment was significantly longer for the improvement group than for the death group (P < 0.01) and logistic regression analysis indicated that the days between attack and treatment was negatively associated with prognosis.The scores for symptoms of anorexia, hypodynamia, and ecchymosis were lower in the improvement group than in the death group;in general, higher scores accompanied worse prognosis.According to logistic regression analysis, PTA, TCH, and TBil were significantly worse in the death group, with the TBIL being much higher and the PTA and TCH levels being lower than in the improvement group.Conclusion Prognostic factors of HBV-related ACLF with Qi-deficiency and blood-stasis jaundice include days between attack and treatment, anorexia, hypodynamia, ecchymosis, and related biochemical indexes.
Key words:
- hepatitis B /
- liver failure /
- acute /
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