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陈智恒 高博文 桂蓓 施梅姐 萧焕明 谢玉宝 黎胜 池晓玲



DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.08.014

国家“十三五”重大传染病专项课题 (2018ZX10725506-003);

国家“十三五”重大传染病专项课题 (2018ZX10725505-004);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN2022DB04);

广东省中医院院内专项 (YN10101903);

国家中医药管理局全国名老中医药专家池晓玲传承工作室建设项目 (Teaching Letter from State Traditional Chinese Medicine Office (2022-75));

省部共建中医湿证国家重点实验室开放课题 (SZ2021KF08)


    池晓玲,chixiaolingqh@163.com (ORCID: 0000-0003-3193-1943)

Construction and analysis of a noninvasive diagnostic model for steatohepatitis in metabolic associated fatty liver disease

Research funding: 

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Major and Special Programs of the National Science and Technology of China (2018ZX10725506-003);

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Major and Special Programs of the National Science and Technology of China (2018ZX10725505-004);

The Specific Research Fund for TCM Science and Technology of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN2022DB04);

The Specific Research Fund for TCM Science and Technology of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine (YN10101903);

Chi Xiaoling National Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Expert Inheritance Studio (Teaching Letter from State Traditional Chinese Medicine Office (2022-75));

Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Dampness Syndrome of Chinese Medicine (SZ2021KF08)

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  通过临床一般资料、血清学指标及肝脏弹性成像无创检查手段,基于LASSO及Logistic回归建立代谢相关脂肪性肝病(MAFLD)发生脂肪性肝炎的诊断模型,并评估该模型的诊断价值。  方法  纳入2018年1月—2021年12月于广东省中医院诊断为MAFLD且完善肝病理活检的患者为研究对象299例,根据肝病理NAS评分将其分为脂肪性肝炎组(n=170)例和无脂肪性肝炎组(n=129)。先后通过LASSO回归及多因素Logistic回归筛选MAFLD发生脂肪性肝炎的影响因素,并建立无创诊断模型,利用列线图形式可视化,采用加强Bootstrap法进行内部验证,绘制ROC曲线及Calibration曲线,并在MAFLD+NAFLD和MAFLD+cHBVi两个亚组人群中观察模型的诊断效能,并与其他诊断模型进行比较分析。计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验;符合正态分布的计量资料组间比较采用成组t检验,不符合正态分布的计量资料组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验。采用多因素Logistic回归分析,筛选最佳诊断因素,构建列线图诊断模型,绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC曲线),计算ROC曲线下面积(AUC),并进一步采用加强Bootstrap法对模型进行内部验证,绘制Calibration曲线显示校准度。  结果  两组间BMI、ALT、AST、ADA、ALP、GGT、TBA、TCO2、UA、HbA1c比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均 < 0.05);FibroScan方面,两组LSM及CAP比较提示差异具有统计学意义(P值均 < 0.001);病理学方面,两组的纤维化等级、脂肪变积分、小叶炎症积分、气球样变积分及NAS总分差异均有统计学意义(P值均 < 0.001)。亚组队列方面,MAFLD+NAFLD有、无脂肪性肝炎组分别为63、48例,MAFLD+cHBVi有、无脂肪性肝炎组分别为90、71例。通过LASSO回归及多因素Logistic回归筛选出LSM、CAP、BMI、AST是判断MAFLD患者是否发生脂肪性肝炎的最佳诊断因素,并以此构建LCBA模型。LCBA模型结果提示,总MAFLD、MAFLD+NAFLD和MAFLD+cHBVi人群的AUC分别为0.816、0.866、0.764(P值均 < 0.001),ROC曲线对比显示均优于acNASH、HSI、NFS模型。  结论  LCBA模型用于诊断MAFLD患者是否发生脂肪性肝炎的效能稳定,且优于acNASH、HSI、NFS,值得临床推广。


  • 图  1  MAFLD脂肪性肝炎的LASSO分析

    Figure  1.  LASSO analysis of MAFLD with or without steatohepatitis

    图  2  LCBA模型列线图可视化

    Figure  2.  LCBA model nomogram visualization

    图  3  LCBA模型的ROC曲线与Calibration曲线

    Figure  3.  ROC Curve and Calibration Curve for LCBA Model

    图  4  LCBA模型与acNASH、HSI、NFS模型的ROC曲线对比

    Figure  4.  ROC curve comparison between LCBA model and acNASH, HSI, NFS model

    表  1  MAFLD患者有无发生脂肪性肝炎基线资料对比

    Table  1.   Baseline comparison of patients with or without steatohepatitis in MAFLD

    项目 无脂肪性肝炎组
    统计值 P
    年龄(岁) 41.00(35.00~48.00) 40.00(34.25~48.00) Z=-0.880 0.379
    男[例(%)] 103(80) 125(74) χ2=1.099 0.294
    BMI(kg/m2) 25.35(24.31~26.93) 26.99(24.99~30.00) Z=-5.047 < 0.001
    吸烟[例(%)] 33(26) 46(27) χ2=0.024 0.877
    过量饮酒[例(%)] 12(9) 19(11) χ2=0.112 0.738
    高血压[例(%)] 10(8) 16(9) χ2=0.088 0.766
    糖尿病[例(%)] χ2=5.767 0.056
      无 69(53) 71(42)
      糖尿病前期 46(36) 66(39)
      糖尿病期 14(11) 33(19)
    MAFLD+NAFLD[例(%)] 48(37) 63(37) χ2=0 1.000
    MAFLD+cHBVi[例(%)] 71(55) 90(53) χ2=0.059 0.808
    纤维化等级[例(%)] χ2=56.276 < 0.001
      0 10(8) 3(2)
      1 87(67) 52(31)
      2 29(22) 98(58)
      3 3(2) 10(6)
      4 0(0) 7(4)
    脂肪变积分[例(%)] χ2=90.836 < 0.001
      0 15(12) 1(1)
      1 68(53) 29(17)
      2 43(33) 72(42)
      3 3(2) 68(40)
    小叶炎症积分[例(%)] χ2=78.487 < 0.001
      0 20(16) 7(4)
      1 69(53) 28(16)
      2 28(22) 55(32)
      3 12(9) 80(47)
    气球样变积分[例(%)] χ2=140.666 < 0.001
      0 62(48) 1(1)
      1 62(48) 71(42)
      2 5(4) 98(58)
    NAS总分(分) 3.07±0.93 6.01±0.97 t=-26.654 < 0.001
    LSM(kPa) 5.50(4.40~6.70) 7.70(5.82~10.50) Z=-7.058 < 0.001
    CAP(dB/m) 279(252~305) 312(277~343) Z=-5.470 < 0.001
    ALT(U/L) 27.00(19.00~41.00) 45.00(31.00~75.25) Z=-6.443 < 0.001
    AST(U/L) 21.00(17.00~28.00) 32.50(23.00~44.75) Z=-6.909 < 0.001
    ADA(U/L) 9.0(7.1~11.0) 10.0(8.0~13.0) Z=-3.342 < 0.001
    Alb(g/L) 46.63±3.42 46.16±3.17 t=1.212 0.227
    ALP(U/L) 66.00(54.00~79.00) 71.50(61.25~85.00) Z=-3.094 0.002
    GGT(U/L) 32(22~44) 45(29~73) Z=-4.683 < 0.001
    TBil(μmol/L) 11.60(8.90~13.70) 11.45(8.90~14.85) Z=-0.517 0.606
    DBil(μmol/L) 4.10(3.50~5.00) 4.25(3.50~5.57) Z=-1.028 0.305
    TBA(μmol/L)) 3.00(1.70~4.80) 3.80(2.10~6.27) Z=-2.156 0.031
    WBC(×109/L) 6.03(5.25~6.94) 6.26(5.41~7.17) Z=-1.110 0.267
    RBC(×1012/L) 5.02(4.75~5.34) 4.97(4.65~5.30) Z=-0.939 0.348
    Hb(g/L) 152.00(143.00~158.00) 151.00(141.00~161.75) Z=-0.109 0.913
    PLT(×109/L) 238.53±53.90 232.19±63.73 t=0.932 0.352
    Urea(mmol/L) 4.50(3.90~5.20) 4.40(3.70~5.18) Z=-1.391 0.164
    Cr(μmol/L) 77(65~86) 74(64~83) Z=-1.756 0.079
    TCO2(mmol/L) 24.20(22.50~25.90) 23.45(21.70~25.10) Z=-2.511 0.012
    UA(μmol/L) 393(339~456) 416(370~490) Z=-2.812 0.005
    eGFR(mL·min-1·1.73 m-2) 102.84±13.37 105.59±14.23 t=-1.715 0.087
    GLU(mmol/L) 5.00(4.66~5.45) 5.14(4.74~5.51) Z=-1.773 0.076
    HbA1c(%) 5.50(5.30~5.80) 5.65(5.32~6.00) Z=2.567 0.010
    TG(mmol/L) 1.45(1.06~2.20) 1.65(1.17~2.42) Z=-1.844 0.065
    TC(mmol/L) 4.83(4.15~5.60) 4.89(4.27~5.84) Z=-1.226 0.220
    HDL-C(mmol/L) 1.08(0.94~1.28) 1.06(0.89~1.22) Z=-1.834 0.067
    LDL-C(mmol/L) 3.19(2.73~3.83) 3.26(2.62~3.98) Z=-0.274 0.784
    Apo-A1(g/L) 1.28(1.18~1.44) 1.24(1.13~1.44) Z=-1.467 0.143
    Apo-B(g/L) 1.03(0.86~1.23) 1.07(0.89~1.29) Z=-1.735 0.083
    CK-MB(U/L) 14.5(12.5~17.5) 15.0(13.0~18.9) Z=-1.845 0.065
    TSH(μIU/mL) 1.59(1.12~2.31) 1.57(1.13~2.22) Z=-0.321 0.749
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    表  2  MAFLD脂肪性肝炎的多因素Logistic回归分析

    Table  2.   Multivariate Logistic regression analysis of steatohepatitis in MAFLD

    项目 β SE Wald P OR 95%CI
    LSM 0.138 0.054 6.574 0.010 1.148 1.033~1.275
    CAP 0.263 0.063 17.251 <0.001 1.301 1.149~1.472
    BMI 0.015 0.004 18.145 <0.001 1.015 1.008~1.043
    AST 0.023 0.010 4.927 0.026 1.023 1.003~1.043
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    表  3  LCBA模型在MAFLD+NAFLD和MAFLD+cHBVi人群的表现

    Table  3.   Performance of the LCBA model in the MAFLD+NAFLD and MAFLD+cHBVi populations

    组别 例数 敏感度(%) 特异度(%) AUC(95%CI) P
    MAFLD组 299 78.24 71.32 0.816(0.768~0.858) < 0.001
    MAFLD+NAFLD组 111 93.65 64.58 0.866(0.788~0.923) < 0.001
    MAFLD+CHB组 161 74.44 70.42 0.764(0.691~0.827) < 0.001
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    表  4  LCBA模型与acNASH、HSI、NFS模型比较

    Table  4.   LCBA model compared to acNASH, HSI, NFS models

    项目 MAFLD组(n=299) MAFLD+NAFLD组(n=111) MAFLD+cHBVi组(n=161)
    AUC(95%CI) P AUC(95%CI) P AUC(95%CI) P
    LCBA 0.82(0.77~0.86) < 0.010 0.87(0.79~0.92) < 0.010 0.76(0.69~0.83) < 0.010
    acNASH 0.75(0.69~0.80) < 0.010 0.82(0.74~0.89) < 0.010 0.69(0.61~0.76) < 0.010
    HSI 0.68(0.62~0.73) < 0.010 0.74(0.65~0.82) < 0.010 0.62(0.54~0.70) 0.010
    NFS 0.57(0.51~0.63) 0.040 0.51(0.41~0.60) 0.920 0.61(0.53~0.69) 0.010
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