DOI: 10.12449/JCH240530
摘要: 原发性肝内胆管结石(PIS)是我国西南地区高发和难治性疾病,对患者的生活造成极大的影响。胆道系统慢性感染产生的β-葡萄糖醛酸酶等代谢产物,在色素性结石的形成中起着重要作用,除细菌产生的外源性β-葡萄糖醛酸酶,肝内胆管细胞产生的内源性β-葡萄糖醛酸酶在结石的形成中亦扮演重要角色。本文就PIS发病机制中β-葡萄糖醛酸酶的作用研究进展予以分析,以期为PIS的防治提供可能的方式。Abstract: Primary intrahepatic stones (PIS) is a refractory disease with a high incidence rate in Southwest China, which greatly affects the life of patients. Metabolites, such as β-glucuronidase produced by chronic biliary tract infection, play an important role in the formation of pigmented stones. In addition to exogenous β-glucuronidase produced by bacteria, endogenous β-glucuronidase produced by intrahepatic bile duct cells also plays an important role in the formation of stones. This article analyzes the research advances in the role of β-glucuronidase in the pathogenesis of PIS, in order to provide a possible method for the prevention and treatment of PIS.
Key words:
- Gallstones /
- Glucuronidase /
- Pathologic Processes
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