DOI: 10.12449/JCH240410
Association of polymorphisms of the acetyl-coA acetyltransferase 1 gene and the melatonin receptor 1B gene with the susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
目的 本研究拟探讨乙酰辅酶A乙酰转移酶1(ACAT1)和褪黑激素受体1B(MTNR1B)基因多态性与非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)疾病易感性的关系。 方法 本研究共纳入2020年12月—2022年6月就诊于青岛市市立医院的健康体检者164例、NAFLD患者228例。采用PCR及测序的方法对ACAT1 rs1044925、rs1157651和MTNR1B rs10830963基因多态性进行基因分型,并采集空腹静脉血进行生化检测。符合正态分布的计量资料两组间比较采用成组t检验;非正态分布的计量资料两组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U非参数检验;计数资料两组间比较采用χ2检验。 结果 ACAT1 rs1044925、rs1157651和MTNR1B rs10830963基因型分布在NAFLD及健康对照组间无统计学差异(P值均>0.05),ACAT1 rs1044925 AA基因型携带者的LDL水平明显高于C等位基因携带者(Z=-2.08,P=0.04),MTNR1B rs10830963 G等位基因携带者空腹血糖水平明显高于CC基因型携带者(Z=-3.01,P<0.01)。 结论 ACAT1 rs1044925、rs1157651和MTNR1B rs10830963多态性与NAFLD易感性无明显相关,ACAT1 rs1044925和MTNR1B rs10830963位点分别与LDL和空腹血糖水平有关。 -
- 非酒精性脂肪性肝病 /
- 乙酰CoA C-乙酰转移酶 /
- 受体, 褪黑激素
Abstract:Objective To investigate the association of the polymorphisms of the acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1 (ACAT1) gene and the melatonin receptor 1B (MTNR1B) gene with the susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods A total of 164 healthy controls and 228 NAFLD patients were enrolled in this study. PCR and sequencing methods were used to determine the genotypes of the polymorphisms of the ACAT1 gene at the rs1044925 and rs1157651 loci and the MTNR1B gene at the rs10830963 locus, and fasting venous blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis. The t-test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between groups, and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between groups; the chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups. Results There were no significant differences between the NAFLD group and the healthy control group in the genotype distribution of the ACAT1 gene at the rs1044925 and rs1157651 loci and the MTNR1B gene at the rs10830963 locus (all P>0.05). The carriers of AA genotype at the rs1044925 locus of the ACAT1 gene had a significantly higher level of low-density lipoprotein than the carriers of C allele (Z=-2.08, P=0.04), and the carriers of G allele at the rs10830963 locus of the MTNR1B gene had a significantly higher level of fasting blood glucose than the carriers of CC genotype (Z=-3.01, P<0.01). Conclusion The polymorphisms of the ACAT1 gene at the rs1044925 and rs1157651 loci and the MTNR1B gene at the rs10830963 locus were not associated with the susceptibility to NAFLD. The rs1044925 locus of the ACAT1 gene and the rs10830963 locus of the MTNR1B gene are associated with the levels of low-density lipoprotein and fasting blood glucose, respectively. -
表 1 FTO基因引物序列
Table 1. Primer sequence of FTO gene
Table 2. Comparison of general clinical data and related indicators between NAFLD and control group
指标 NAFLD组(n=228) 对照组(n=164) 统计值 P值 男/女(例) 120/108 90/74 χ2=0.66 0.68 年龄(岁) 52(41~63) 39(30~52) Z=-6.50 <0.01 BMI(kg/m2) 27.57±4.67 24.75±3.89 t=-5.25 <0.01 TBil(μmol/L) 12.50(10.30~16.78) 13.20(10.38~16.50) Z=-0.34 0.73 ALT(U/L) 28.22(18.00~42.00) 17.59(12.96~26.96) Z=-5.55 <0.01 AST(U/L) 24.25(19.58~32.89) 20.00(16.07~24.23) Z=-5.20 <0.01 ALP(U/L) 86.47(72.32~105.99) 74.66(59.60~87.06) Z=-3.60 <0.01 GGT(U/L) 30.75(22.00~48.92) 18.00(12.00~26.25) Z=-7.16 <0.01 FPG(mmol/L) 5.12(4.59~6.03) 4.92(4.49~5.22) Z=-2.67 <0.01 TC(mmol/L) 5.09(4.34~5.81) 4.88(4.27~5.49) Z=-1.57 0.12 TG(mmol/L) 1.79(1.19~2.49) 1.04(0.79~1.45) Z=-7.33 <0.01 LDL(mmol/L) 3.15(2.62~3.61) 3.00(2.47~3.45) Z=-1.57 0.12 HDL(mmol/L) 1.15(1.02~1.32) 1.30(1.13~1.49) Z=-4.08 <0.01 表 3 rs1044925、rs1157651、rs10830963基因型分布
Table 3. Distribution of rs1044925, rs1157651, rs10830963 genotypes
基因型 NAFLD组(n=228) 对照组(n=164) χ2值 P值 rs1044925[例(%)] 0.285 0.593 AA 183(80.26) 128(78.05) CC 4(1.75) 2(1.22) AC 41(17.98) 34(20.73) rs1157651[例(%)] 0.967 0.326 GG 177(77.63) 134(81.71) CC 3(1.32) 0(0) GC 48(21.05) 30(18.29) rs10830963[例(%)] 0.531 0.767 GG 47(20.80) 30(18.40) CC 75(33.19) 59(36.20) GC 104(46.02) 74(45.40) 注:rs1044925和rs1157651的CC基因型比例低,不适用于χ2检验,因此将其与杂合子合并后进行χ2检验。不同位点因检出率差异,检测数略小于总例数。 表 4 ACAT1 rs1044925不同等位基因携带生化指标比较
Table 4. Comparison of biochemical indices of different alleles of ACAT1 rs1044925
指标 AA基因型携带者 C等位基因携带者 统计值 P值 BMI(kg/m2) 26.70±4.85 26.69±3.64 t=0.02 0.99 TBil(μmol/L) 12.75(10.33~16.68) 13.00(9.98~16.75) Z=-0.07 0.94 ALT(U/L) 22.97(14.56~35.16) 26.10(17.09~43.52) Z=-1.23 0.22 AST(U/L) 22.02(18.08~28.67) 22.09(18.64~32.13) Z=-0.71 0.48 ALP(U/L) 84.91(69.04~100.89) 84.07(69.29~99.70) Z=-0.14 0.89 GGT(U/L) 25.82(17.07~42.94) 30.00(17.71~48.02) Z=-0.53 0.60 FPG(mmol/L) 5.04(4.52~5.76) 5.19(4.62~5.87) Z=-1.14 0.25 TC(mmol/L) 5.09(4.31~5.76) 4.92(4.27~5.56) Z=-1.07 0.29 TG(mmol/L) 1.42(0.94~2.1) 1.47(1.04~2.2) Z=-0.78 0.44 LDL(mmol/L) 3.13(2.63~3.57) 2.81(2.32~3.45) Z=-2.08 0.04 HDL(mmol/L) 1.21(1.05~1.40) 1.16(1.03~1.34) Z=-0.38 0.38 表 5 ACAT1 rs1157651不同等位基因携带生化指标比较
Table 5. Comparison of biochemical indices of different alleles of ACAT1 rs1157651
指标 GG携带者 C等位基因携带者 统计值 P值 BMI(kg/m2) 26.47±4.46 27.51±5.14 t=-1.65 0.10 TBil(μmol/L) 13.05(10.30~16.80) 12.20(10.45~15.90) Z=-0.90 0.37 ALT(U/L) 23.00(14.65~37.05) 23.17(16.46~35.35) Z=-0.40 0.69 AST(U/L) 22.06(18.62~29.85) 22.07(18.02~28.25) Z=-0.31 0.76 ALP(U/L) 84.75(68.98~101.77) 84.70(73.16~100.35) Z=-0.15 0.88 GGT(U/L) 24.91(16.86~43.23) 28.00(19.05~47.76) Z=-1.44 0.15 FPG(mmol/L) 5.06(4.55~5.74) 5.12(4.50~6.59) Z=-1.19 0.23 TC(mmol/L) 5.00(4.34~5.77) 5.10(4.21~5.66) Z=-0.74 0.46 TG(mmol/L) 1.38(0.94~2.12) 1.67(1.05~2.20) Z=-0.96 0.34 LDL(mmol/L) 3.10(2.56~3.56) 3.12(2.54~3.51) Z=-0.44 0.66 HDL(mmol/L) 1.22(1.06~1.40) 1.12(0.99~1.33) Z=-1.94 0.05 表 6 MTNR1B rs10830963不同等位基因携带生化指标比较
Table 6. Comparison of biochemical indices of different alleles of MTNR1B rs10830963
指标 G等位基因携带者 CC携带者 统计值 P值 BMI(kg/m2) 26.50±4.05 26.90±5.25 t=-0.75 0.45 TBil(μmol/L) 13.20(10.60~16.80) 12.15(10.13~16.58) Z=-0.89 0.37 ALT(U/L) 23.00(15.19~37.43) 23.30(14.47~36.34) Z=-0.17 0.87 AST(U/L) 22.28(18.13~30.43) 21.77(18.64~28.13) Z=-0.45 0.65 ALP(U/L) 84.58(70.61~102.29) 84.36(68.34~100.35) Z=-0.23 0.82 GGT(U/L) 27.00(17.95~44.21) 24.22(16.22~44.17) Z=-0.98 0.33 FPG(mmol/L) 5.14(4.65~5.88) 4.90(4.39~5.39) Z=-3.01 <0.01 TC(mmol/L) 4.98(4.28~5.70) 5.09(4.64~5.77) Z=-0.96 0.49 TG(mmol/L) 1.46(1.04~2.12) 1.42(0.89~2.21) Z=-0.56 0.58 LDL(mmol/L) 3.08(2.53~3.51) 3.16(2.61~3.60) Z=-0.88 0.38 HDL(mmol/L) 1.18(1.05~1.38) 1.22(1.03~1.38) Z=-0.08 0.94 -
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