The progress on the researches of intestinal barrier function changing in patients with liver diseases
摘要: 肠粘膜屏障功能障碍是肠道微生态改变和肠内炎性物质相互作用的后果,可造成肠壁通透性增加,肠道细菌或其毒性代谢产物向肠外移位,从而导致肠源性内毒素血症。许多研究发现肠道屏障功能损害对疾病的发生、发展有明确的促进作用。近年来,肝病患者肠道屏障功能变化的研究也备受关注,本文拟就近年来国内外对此问题的研究作一综述。Abstract: Intestinal barrier dysfunction is the result of mutual-interaction of intestinal gut microflora changing and the inflammatory substances, which can cause the increase of intestinal permeability, leading to intestinal bacteria translocation or endotoxemia.Many studies found that the intestinal barrier dysfunction had played an important role in the process of disease occurrence and development.In recent years, the relationship between the intestinal barrier dysfunction and development of disease has attracted more attention.This review is intended to summarize the latest progress in this area.
Key words:
- liver diseases /
- intestines
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