The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and microvessel density in primary gallbladder cancer relating to cancer invasion, metastasis and prognosis
摘要: 探讨血管内皮细胞生长因子 (vascularendothelialgrowthfactor,VEGF)及微血管密度 (Microvesseldensity ,MVD)在胆囊癌发生发展中的作用及与胆囊癌浸润、转移及预后的关系。应用S -P免疫组化技术对 3 1例经手术切除的原发性胆囊癌及 10例经手术切除的慢性胆囊炎标本进行VEGF蛋白和微血管密度检测。 3 1例胆囊癌组织中癌旁VEGF表达及MVD值均明显高于癌中央及正常组织 ,三者差异具有显著性 (P <0 0 1) ;VEGF表达与MVD具有相关性 ,VEGF阳性者MVD值显著高于阴性者 (P <0 0 1) ;VEGF表达和MVD与胆囊癌分化程度、浸润转移、Nevin分期密切相关 (P <0 0 1) ;VEGF阳性者及高MVD者预后较阴性者差 ;Cox比例危险模型多因素分析表明 :VEGF对胆囊癌是一个独立的预后因子。VEGF的表达及MVD在胆囊癌的发生和浸润转移过程中发挥重要的作用 ,VEGF和MVD可作为反映胆囊癌生物学行为的指标Abstract: To study the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and microvessel density MVD in the progression of primary gallbladder cancer and their relationships between invasion and metastasis and prognosis. VEGF and MVD in 31 cases of primary gallbladder cancer tissue and 10 cases of chronic cholecystitis tissue were examined with immunoshistochemical staining of S-P. Both the expression of VEGF and MVD in tumor-adjacent were significantly higher than those in tumor and normal tissue (P<0.01) , MVD was significanty higher in VEGF positive for tumors than in VEGF negative (P<0.01) , The expression of VEGF and MVD were closely correlated with the differentiation, invasion, metastasis and Nevin stage (P<0.01) . The patients with VEGF positive tumors and higher MVD had a poor prognosis than those with VEGF negative tumors and lower MVD in primary gallbladder cancer. Multivariate analysis by Cox's proportional hazards model showed that the expression of VEGF is an independent prognostic factor in patients with gallbladder cancer. VEGF and MVD are highly related to angiogenesis of primary gallbladder cancer and promoting its growth. VEGF and MVD may be regarded as one of biological indicator in primary gallbladder cancer.
Key words:
- Primary gallbladder cancer /
- VEGF /
- MVD /
- Angiogenesis /
- Invasion /
- Metastasis /
- Prognosis
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